Aries Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday, Aries and Happy Aries season to us all! What time is it, you asked? Its SPRING, a New Year and I know you can feel it. Such a powerful and active season. Mercury in retrograde gave us a graceful entry. Our spirits are bubbling with creativity. Yet Aries is asking us to be very real with ourselves and to follow our primal instincts. Mars is backing our actions in whatever needs to happen. Lets discuss this and more in the Astro Audio.
Pisces Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday, Pisces and Happy Pisces season to us all! I love this time of the year. If you are sensitive to shifts, March is a big one. Pieces the last sign of the zodiacal year comes to warp everything up and dissolve the last of winter. Spring equinox this year is March 20th with the Libra full moon. What are your plans for this holy day? Lets discuss that and more....
Aquarius Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday, Aquarius and Happy Aquarius season to us all! It behooves us to get familiar with this energy, for this is the Age we live in. Awakenings and deep thoughts are had by all. Rebellion and unification may partner with these great ideas and creations. How do we deal with change? Who are we aligning ourselves with? Lets discuss that and more....
Capricorn Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday, Capricorn and Happy Capricorn season to us all! The Capricorn energy will be strongly with us until March 2020. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the hardest working sign of the zodiac. Hear from the Ascendance team about the work and lessons that go into this monthly celebration. What structures for longevity are you building? How do you take care of yourself while doing it? What lessons has this life thought you? Lets discuss that and more....
Sagittarius Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! Mutable fire is here to guide us into winter. Dissolving old ways of being and expanding our wisdom to new heights. Can you transcend the physical and walk on burning coals? Lets discuss that and more....
Scorpio Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and more
Happy Birthday Scorpio! Mysticism, darkness, death, transformation, sexual healing, physic ability, joint resources are all governed by Scorpio. Let’s discuss further on this Astro Audio….
Libra Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and more....
Happy birthday Libra’s and Happy Libra season to us all. Fall is here and ready to teach us. We are honoring two “freedom lovers” and discussing the house (area) and planetary ruler of Libra. Hope this blesses your soul’s journey.
Virgo Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday Virgos!!!! This year has been non stop and now with the energy of Virgo, we are gifted with the vibes to process it all, whew. Here we will discuss our ancestors, change, health, virginity and so much more. Hope this blesses your soul’s journey.
Leo Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More
Happy Birthday Leo’s and Happy 1 Year Anniversary Ascendance!!!!! Last year some of us where in other states viewing the Solar eclipse and this year we will feel the energy as we ascen-dance. What has happened from August 2017- August 2018? What changes are you making in regards to your souls (sol) progression? We will discuss the vitality of the sun, the 5th house and more…….
Cancer Astro Audio, Shrine Documents & More
It's SUMMER, Happy birthday CANCER! Here we'll discuss our first home, the womb, the temple. The moon; how it teaches us cycles, there is no beginning or end. To nurture the feelings this soul journey brings us. Calling in the southern direction, the baptismal waters that offer us relief..........
Liberation: Essence Fest Edition
Liberation. Is it a state of mind? Is it a place? Is it a feeling? Is it a doing? Only you can answer these questions. Here we’ll discuss using astrology as a tool to assist us in our soul’s journey.
Gemini Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and more....
Here we will be discussing the power of opposites and how the full spectrum creates the whole. We are ending spring, going out with and bang. Happy Birthday Gemini’s you make it look easy!
Taurus Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and more.....
Taurus; money, possession and self worth you know well. Teaching us in the are of value, we are grateful. Listen to the Astro Audio, view Shrine documents, honor ancestors and more
Aries Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More........
Aries, y’all stay “LIT”, lets learn about the first house, spring, new beginnings in the Astro Audio. The shrine documents are here to guide us through getting our charts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Pisces Astro Audio, Shrine Documents and More....
Sweet Pisces your waters are so deep, baptizing us at the end of the year (12 house). Learn more about this physic energy and how it affects your natal chart.