An ode to my mother Regina. Happy Birthday!!!!!

Regina Contreras

Canvas Rebel wanted to learn more about Soul Center. Well, its roots are steeped in the love and transition of my mother, Regina. Today is her birthday, Happy Birthday Mom! We share this ARTicle with you as an offering. Love hard, love boldly! This life is fleeting.

#ancestors #mom #Bodyliteracy #Fertilityawareness #ritual #life #death #cycles #Cyclecharting #Birthcontrol #Pregnancy #crowns #crownconvos
#Wombwellness #Astology #sisterlocks #Sex #sexeducators #Blacksexeducators
#Periods #Moon #Woman #Femme
#Black #Brown
#Mama #Wisdom #BetheRitual


Cycle Charting with Soul Center